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 Need help in file sharing from desktop .........
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Posted on 07-17-08 8:22 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have a pentium 4 desktop .I bought a new laptop.i want setup networking between old desktop so that i can pull files from desktop to laptop or build up a desktop as server....

how i gonna do that?

Posted on 07-17-08 8:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Enable FTP service on one of your boxes, and use 'core ftp lite' to drag and drop the files.
OR Create a New Folder, drop all the files that you want to share, Right Click, Select Properties -> Share and Security -> 'Share This Folder on the Network'. (Do it on both machines). Map the drive, or simply type \\MACHINENAME (or the IP) on the typing space that appears when you click on Start -> RUN.


Posted on 07-18-08 1:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello Saajha,

Thank you for your reply. I tried but it doesn't work.Probably my networking has some problem.

Posted on 09-30-08 3:40 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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what kind of cable you are using? if straight you need Hub,If you don't have Hub then you have to make cross cable to connect eachother. cheers 
Posted on 09-30-08 11:00 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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You could set up a local network very easily. If you have a laptop, I assume that you have a wireless router.

When you connect your desktop to the same router through network cable, then both of the computers are in the same local network.

Most routers will assign local IP addresses such as,, etc.

You can find the ip address of your computer by going to Start - Run - Type "cmd" and when the command prompt comes to screen type "ipconfig"

jot the IP address down for the desktop let's say
now on the desktop go to explorer and click on your hard drive ie. C drive, then right click and Properties then share. You can share it as let's say "mycdrive".

Now, when you're on your laptop, on your explorer type \\\mycdrive it may ask you for username/password .. use the username password of the desktop.. for username you may have to use the format\username

This should open up the files from your desktop for sharing. Hope this helps.



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