Binay ji ani SaveEarth ji,
Roy dias has some negatives to tell. I understand that he was nothing but one Sri-lankan with one test under his belt.
You ask me what he wants to do for us. I would tell you that it is nothing more than what that German coach training our football team wanted to do, few umpteen years ago. I don't recall the name.
SL and us have a common thread. And that is Buddism. Besides we have our Himalaya to show around hai na ra? Ask me what we want? We want no mercy, but we want to deserve what we already have. Kasooooooooooo?
You ask me what we have. I know we have plentiful. Maybe Tendulkars in our country. But do we need to ask Roy Dias for em? Probably not?
Uhi Rajeev
CT, Amrika