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Posted on 03-21-09 4:45
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Posted on 03-21-09 5:55
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Posted on 03-21-09 6:12
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Posted on 03-21-09 7:03
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Yuvati ko k bijog bho ra. Bijog ta Keta haru ko po bhayo . Keta haru le ta nepali keti haru le jasto prostitution ni garna mildaina.
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Posted on 03-21-09 9:15
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कुनै एउटा ले यस्तो व्यवसाय गर्यो भन्दैमा, “पढ्न अष्ट्रेलिया पुगेकी युवतीहरुको बिजोग” भन्न मिल्दैन । कुनै तथ्य pani cha ki chaina chor nepali patrika, chor nepal embassy of australia ani chor government ko kura matrai dherai huncha. bekar ma sabaiiii aama bawoo lai chinta matra hola.
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Posted on 03-21-09 10:23
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K ko australia ma matra america ma pani bhako chha ni..Dallas ma aau na ani thaha hunchha
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Posted on 03-22-09 11:45
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साङ्लोले बान्धेको कुकुर फुक्यो भने उपद्रो गर्छ भनेजस्तै बाबुआमाको कन्ट्रोल मा बसिरख्या केटीहरु कन्ट्रोल बाहिर रहेपची यस्तै हुन्छ । यो बिजोग होइन कतिपयको रहर नै हो । १८ , १९ बर्से कुर्कुरे बैन्सका तरुनिहरु जब बिदेसिनछन तब उनिहरु आफुलाई हरेक कुरामा आफुलाई आधुनिक ठान्छन र सेक्स् उनिहरुको लागि खेल समान हो । यो हामी सबैले देखिआयको कुरो हो फरक अहिले यती हो कि यो औपचारिक रुपमा बहिर आयको छ । सबै बाहिर आयका केटीहरु यस्ता हुनछन भन्ने होइन तर अधिकान्श यस्तै छन । र यस्तै बानी भयका केटीहरुले गर्दा नै सिधसाधा केटीहरुलाई पनि अप्ठ्यारो परेको छ ।
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Posted on 03-22-09 1:03
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यो समसया नेपाल द्एखी नै सुरु हुन्छ। अहिले नेपाल मा यतिको नराम्ररो बिक्रिती हरु भेरै नै तिब्रता को साथ् मा बधदैछ कि। तय्साथो नराम्रा्ओ बिक्रिती मा (१)डान्स रेस्टुरेण्ट (२)मसाज पालोर (३)मोडेलिण्ग गर्णे कम्पनी (४)अरब म्यानपावर कम्पनी. यि बेबसाय हरुमा ९९% चाँही "रन्दी बाजी" को काम हरु हुने गरेको छ। राम्रै घर को केटी हरु पनि यस्मा फसेको छ। उनी हरु मोडेल बन्ने भनेर लाग्छ पछी रनदी हुन्छ। यो नराम्रा्ओ बिक्रिती हरु जनताले सरकार लाई कडा भन्दा कडा अबाहन को बिशाल जुलुस नगरि, यो जतिल समसया समाधान हुँदैन र अरु कुनै तरिक द्एखिन्न।
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Posted on 03-22-09 2:35
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Nepalmountainnews Report | 22 Mar 2009 As large number of Nepali students flocked to Australia, reports said many of such students were suspected of being involved in sex trade.
Nepali Embassy in Australia recently wrote to foreign and finance ministries suspecting that girl students from Nepal were involved in flesh trade to meet their cost of living in Australia, reported the Annapurna Post daily.
In the letter Nepalese ambassador to Australia Yogendra Dhakal, has urged the government to take this issue seriously, as it could take a worse turn in the wake of the global financial crisis.
In the letter, the embassy has suggested the government to bring regulations for education consultancies in Nepal, orient Nepali students properly and ensure that they have funds required for the completion of studies in Australia before giving a no objection letter.
According to the embassy, there are about 17,000 Nepalese students in Australia. Hundreds of people who were working in good positions in Nepal have also gone to Australia seeking diploma in different courses in the pursuit of PR, said the report referring the letter.
Geology Tiger
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Posted on 03-22-09 6:23
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पहिलो कुरा आयो यो समाचार झुटो हो कि साँचो? अनी साँचो भए कत्तिको साँचो हो? हुनत: चलन के हो भने बाहिर समाजमा ठस्ठस् गनाउने भईसक्दा पनि हाम्रा सम्बन्धित अधिकारीहरु आँखा चिम्लेर बसी रहेका हुन्थे, तर यो चोटि ठीक उल्टो भयो, अष्ट्रेलियामा रहेका नेपाली साथीभाईबाट केही जानकारी आएन बरु सिधै राजदूत महाशयको पत्र आएको कुरा समाचारमा आयो। यो हुन नहुने कुरा भईरहेको छ भन्ने कुरा म कसैको बिमती नहोला। तर कुरा आँउछ यसको लागि जिम्मेबार को र यसलाई कसरी रोक्ने? कति साथीहरुको भनाई के आयो भने जो केटीहरु यस कुरामा संलग्न छन् तिनिहरुनै दोषी हुन्, तर मेरो भनाई के हो भने हामी सबै दोष ती केटीहरुको टाउकोमा हालेर उम्कन पाउँदैनौ। केटीहरु पनि दोषी छन् यस अर्थमा कि उनीहरु साथीको लहै लहैमा लागे, पढ्न जाने, अष्ट्रेलिया जाने भनेर ठुलो ठुलो सपना देखेर विदेशिए, तर कहिले पनि विदेशको यथार्थता बुझ्न कोसिस गरेनन्, अष्ट्रेलियामा आएपछी काम पाउन सकेनन्, घरमा पैसा मागिरहन पनि नमिल्ने भयो। शायद केही केटीले आफ्नै खुशीले सुरु गरे अनी पछी धेरैले उनिहरुको लह लहैमा लगेर यो पेशा अपनाएको हुन सक्छ, र अर्को कुरा धेरै साथीहरुले औलाए जस्तै त्यहाँको खुला बातावरणले पनि उनिहरुलाई प्रेरित गरेको हुन सक्छ। तर आफ्ना छोरा छोरीहरुलाई बिदेश पढ्न पठाउदाँ त्यससँग सम्बन्धित सबै कुराहरुमा राम्रो बिचार नपुराइ छोरा छोरी बिदेश गए भने के के न हुन्छ भन्ने बाबु आमा पनि कम जिम्मेबार छैनन्। अझ विद्यार्थीहरुको भबिश्यमाथि खेल्वाड गरी आफुले पाउने कन्सलट्यान्सी फी र कमिसन कमाउन पल्केका कन्सलट्यान्सीहरु पनि उत्तिकै जिम्मेवार छन्। अनी भोली देशको लागि कस्तो जनशक्तिको आबस्यक्ता पर्छ र कस्तो कस्तो बिषयमा नेपाली विद्यार्थीलाई पढ्न पठाउने र भोली उनिहरुले उच्च शिक्षा हासिल गरे पछी नेपालमा नै फर्केर आउने बातावरण कसरी बनाउने भन्ने बिषयमा केही सोच बिचार, बहश,निती निर्माण र निर्णय नगरने राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोग र शिक्षा मन्त्रालय भन्ने सरकारी भाडोँको के काम? हाकिमहरुका स्वास्नीलाई चिल्ला गाडीमा घुमाउन मात्रै हो? भएभरका नेपाली चेलीलाई कूकरीमा पढ्न पठाएर के हुन्छ? अनी राजनैतीक पार्टीका तलुवा चाट्दै हिंड्ने, स्ववियु पदाधिकरी नामक हड्डीको लागि लुछचुडीँ गर्ने विद्यर्थी संगठन नाम गरेका जाठाँहरुको काम के हो? बिदेशमा उच्च शिक्षा हासिल गर्न चाहने हरेक नेपाली विद्यार्थी र अभिभाबकले बुझ्न पर्ने कुरा के हो भने कि कलेज र विश्वविध्यालयको आर्थिक सहयोग कि त्यहाँ वारीपरी काम पाउने ग्यरन्टी कि आफ्नै आर्थिक श्रोतको ब्यबस्थाबिना बिदेशमा पढ्न जानु र पठाउनु भनेको अनेकौ समस्या निम्त्याउनु हो।
nepali kanchoo
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Posted on 03-24-09 4:59
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देशमै बसेर देह ब्यापार नगरेका त हैनन नि नेपाली युवती हरु ले?
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Posted on 03-24-09 10:03
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"From where in India do you hail?" she asks. But when questioned about her own private life, she is on her guard. "Are you from a news channel? Why are you asking these questions?" she asks, visibly uneasy. Once she is told that she is talking to an Indian student and her doubts are laid to rest, she proceeds with the answer. "I was in Class 8 when I joined this place last year. My father, who works in India, stopped sending us money. But I wanted to continue my studies and become a nurse. My elder sister left me here," she said. Rough estimates suggest there could be more than 1,000 dance bars in Kathmandu - and each has around 10-15 girls who take turns to perform. These bars open at 6 p.m. and don't close until midnight, attracting a constant flow of visitors - in 2007 Nepal got over 500,000 tourists.-by Sahil Makkar 11 November 2008 Teenaged girls strip every night at Kathmandu dance bars | | By Sahil Makkar
Sixteen-year-old Hema wants to be a nurse. But to fulfil her dream, she performs at a dance bar every evening - even if it means gyrating around a pole, stripping and giving company to strangers at night.
At a dimly lit dance bar in Thamel in the heart of Kathmandu, she performs to foot-tapping Bollywood numbers in front of customers seated on chairs around an elevated dance floor.
Hema (name changed) hardly receives any attention from the customers who are busy sharing drinks and intimate moments with other teenaged girls - also called "comfort girls" - till she sheds some more clothes. Semi-clad Hema finishes her act without any applause.
Soon another teenaged girl replaces her. Hema retires to the green room, gets dressed and returns - this time to sit with the customers.
"Namaste aap kaise hai (hello, how are you)," Hema tells this IANS correspondent in Hindi with a tired smile. "Why are you sitting without a drink? Buy one for yourself. I will take pineapple juice," she says.
She knows the tricks of the trade well. The dance bar makes money every time a customer places an order for himself or the comfort girls.
"From where in India do you hail?" she asks. But when questioned about her own private life, she is on her guard.
"Are you from a news channel? Why are you asking these questions?" she asks, visibly uneasy. Once she is told that she is talking to an Indian student and her doubts are laid to rest, she proceeds with the answer.
"I was in Class 8 when I joined this place last year. My father, who works in India, stopped sending us money. But I wanted to continue my studies and become a nurse. My elder sister left me here," she said.
Rough estimates suggest there could be more than 1,000 dance bars in Kathmandu - and each has around 10-15 girls who take turns to perform. These bars open at 6 p.m. and don't close until midnight, attracting a constant flow of visitors - in 2007 Nepal got over 500,000 tourists.
Inside the bars, girls from poverty-stricken corners of Nepal dance away, hoping to fulfil their simple dreams some day. The parents of some are never told about their profession, others let their daughters go on as long as the money keeps coming.
"Since there is no other job opportunity, everyone lands up here. My employer pays me Nepali Rs.3,000 ($40) per month. Clients usually give a good tip to all comfort girls just for sitting with them. Sometimes I am paid handsomely for going out with them," says Hema, who joined the dance bar last year and hopes her run there will end in another six-seven months.
"More than half the money is spent on room rent, makeup, grocery and other necessary items. The rest goes into my education and to my sister. I hardly save anything."
So when does she study? She said girls like her work at dance bars for a few months. "When we have enough savings, we quit and our employers cooperate with us," Hema says before leaving for her next dance performance.
But quitting is never easy, given the fast money the profession provides.
Asmita, 18, had similar dreams. She wanted to become an airhostess but lack of money brought her here two years ago. She is still struggling. "I think once you are into a dance bar, it is impossible to shake off its lure," she explains.
Though dance bars are not illegal in Nepal, stripping is. But in a nation where 30 percent of the 30 million population is below the poverty line, few seem to care.
Naina Kala Thapa, chairperson of the Nepal Women Commission, says it is the lure of fast money that brings many girls here.
"We have a somewhat open culture here in Nepal. Parents don't mind sending their girls to dance bars because they are poor. Unemployment is another major reason and here most of the inexperienced girls and minor ones come to seek job," Thapa told IANS.
Padma Mathema, a member of the Nepal Human Rights Commission, said this industry employs a large number of people; so the government cannot afford to put a ban on it till enough job opportunities are created.
source http://www.jansamachar.net/display.php3?id=&num=15348&lang=English
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Posted on 03-25-09 11:37
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what are the causes after such painful criscustances ? we should go the depth of it.
2009-03-22 02:47:21
हो या इजी मनी उनिहरुलाई थाहा होला। सबलाई घोप्टो पारेर लात हान्नु पर्ने।
दु:ख गर्नु गएको, दु:ख गर्नु सक्नु पर्छ नत्र नेपाल फर्कने। वहियात
केटीहरु। :@