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Posted on 07-01-08 2:45
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My bhatij wants to study in Rato Bungalow, he just scored about 90% in SLC and asked me about it. I grew up in village, so did my brother. I was able to come here and do well, and now I want to help bhatij go to a good school. So essentially I will be footing his bill. I would like to get some answers from the esteemed visitors, especially those with the first hand experience of the bungalow or competitive schools: 1. How hard is the entrance exam? 2. Since he will be going to KTM from outside, and we dont' have a home in KTM, how is the boarding facility? Do they have one? Is it male/female combined? 3. Also, does St Xavier offer A level? Do they still send students to Harvard like they used to do? Which one is harder to get in, St Xavier or Rato Bungalow? Any relevant suggestion will be highly appreciated.
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Posted on 07-01-08 11:35
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Sarkozy, We shouldn't automatically assume that others -just because they are rich- are less patriotic. Sure, some girls I have met who came from very wealthy families in Nepal tried to avoid Nepalese and overall acted like they were not Nepali, but strangely enough, after going to Nepal, they became very dedicated to the causes of poor women. So despite what they do, despite the fact they want to act like the foreigners (with the statement such as I always knew that I was not going to be living in Nepal), Xavierians or Bungalowians or BNKSians do love Nepal immensely, even when they may want to stay away from Wichita-state-going, Sharada-Madhyamik-Vidhyalaya graduating guys.:) When it comes to giving our country a political leadership, or giving our country doctors/engineers, schools from around the country where poor farmers send their kids have done a great job. I think it is time for us to ask these BNKSians or Xavierians one question when they act snobbishly: 1. Name one person from your school who has contributed to nation's politics or philonthropy or sports or law or some other related. Give us one name that has changed lives for better, or give us one name that I feel proud about.
Nobody should respect an individual just because he has married a beautiful woman and is living in the USOfA and is driving Lexus here. Let's just ask one plain question: what have you done for your country or your village or society? I think that is the sign of patriotism.
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Posted on 07-01-08 11:44
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The immaculate turn this thread has taken is impressive!! We've now come to a point as to discussing which school is the most patriotic. LMAO I'm rolling with laughter!! I'd say, the pathshalas would be the most patriotic of them all (and perhaps the best choice for honing one's innate Nepalipan).
Also, as someone mentioned above, it's upto the individual to take advantage of all the curriculum the school provides to shape his own growth. I've seen most Nepali kids from Lincoln falter here in the US than kids here who went to any other school back home (ironically they were supposed to have had a head start on us in terms of the American system of education)...IMO, It totally depends on the individual drive and ambition.
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Posted on 07-01-08 11:50
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sarkozy, "Can you say that you feel proud to be a Nepali instead of Xavarian?"Certainly, you attended a school that didn't teach you an iota of etiquette or about school spirit, and 'how not to be an asshole in public forums.' Xavarians never stop priding themselves as Nepali. We pride because of our institution. People are proud of their schools/college/universities. We identify ourselves as being a part of that institution. It is not our whole identity but definitely part of it. Wouldn't a Harvard, or any other prestigeous school's grad be poud of their institution? SXC is a prestigous school in Nepal, whether you like to believe it or not. It's an institution that accepts students from all over the country and based on their academic merit and nothing else. "aru or kasaile sodhos or not, some Xavarians tend to pronounce their school's name beforehand."
Looks like you are ashamed of where you studied. Or may be it is the 'I got my ass raped in the entrance exam and can't stop bitching' sentiment pouring from your obnoxiously loud mouth, which stinks more than your pesudo-populist thinking. Peace.
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Posted on 07-02-08 9:13
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Pire hope this helps http://www.himalkhabar.com/hkp/news.php?id=1459
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Posted on 07-02-08 10:30
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Hey Sarkozy,
You seriously need to check your facts before you assume too much and start a hate campaign.
Let me clarify:
--St. Xaviers's is an elite school.
--Not so much. I am a Xavierian, and I come from the far western region of Nepal. I am not rich, in fact the reason my parents chose STX over other schools was their cheap tuition. My only reason to move to KTM was for quality education, which cannot be found elsewhere in Nepal. Now, you may question the statement abt only KTM harboring the best schools, but it surely was valid 18 years ago. That aside, at least 10% students in my batch were like me. Majority of the students were middle class, which was definitely above my social status. About 5% approx. were from the elite class.
From your rants above you seem to know the majority of socially elite/snobbish students of STX, that said, there is a high probability that you are in the very same squad. There are lots of nice and patriotic Xavierians out there. Again, I am in no way refering you as the frog in the well as I do know a lot of very understanding socially elite people. You are very much outside it, but please stop looking at it and calling it St. Xavier's.
Last edited: 02-Jul-08 10:34 AM
Last edited: 02-Jul-08 10:35 AM
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Posted on 07-02-08 10:47
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The issue is not about Nepali or Nepalipan or Nepaliness. It is about someone seeking suggestions for her/his bhatij in their college selection.
If I put the question back to you: You being in Amrika, or outside of Nepal for that matter, was your choice and decision out of your circumstances. Did you ever question your Nepalipan or any such identity before taking that first flight? Was Nepal that bad for you? Or are you too big to admit that???
Answers??? Sarkozy???
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Posted on 07-02-08 4:17
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Just sharing the news
काठमाडौं मोडेल कलेज ः नामअनुसार काम आठ
वर्षघि स्थापना भएको काठमाडौं मोडेल कलेज, बागबजार स्थापनाको छोटो अवधिमै
नमुना शिक्षण संस्थाको रूपमा स्थापित भएको छ । काठमाडौं मोडेल कलेजले
हासिल गरेको प्रगति हर्दा तडकभडक र ठूल्ो भवन भएको शिक्षण संस्थाले मात्र
राम्रो शैक्षिक गुणस्तर कायम राख्न सक्छन् भन्ने धारणा गलत सावित भएको छ ।
राम्रो 'टिम वर्क' भयो भने सीमित स्रोत साधनबाट पनि महत्त्वपूर्ण उपलब्धि
हासिल गर्न सकिन्छ भ्न्ने उदाहरणका रूपमा काठमाडौं मोडललाई लिन सकिन्छ ।
काठमाडौं मोडेल कलेज किन साँच्चिकै मोडल हुन सफल भयो त - कलेजका निर्देशक
रामेश्वर अर्याल भन्छन्, 'कुशल व्यवस्थापन, अनुभवी शिक्षक तथा प्राध्यापक,
अनुशासित एवं शैक्षिक वातावरण, भौतिक पूवाधारको उचित व्यवस्थापन र
विद्यार्थीको अथक लगनशीलताले गर्दा सफलता प्राप्त भएको हो ।'
वर्षता विशिष्ट श्रेणीसहित उत्कृष्ट नतिजा ल्याउन सफल यो कलेजले गुणस्तरमा
झनै फड्को मार्यो । हजारौंको संख्याबाट निकै छानेर विद्यार्थी भर्ना
गर्ने गरेका कलेजहरूको भन्दा धेरै राम्रो रिजल्ट छ, यसको । २०६४ सालको
कक्षा १२ को परीक्षामा ३ सय विद्यार्थी सहभागी रहेकोमा ७२ जना विशिष्ट
श्रेणी, २११ जना प्रथम श्रेणी र १७ जना द्वितीय श्रेणीमा पास भए भने यस
कलेजबाट पास भएका १४ जना विद्यार्थीले एमबिबिएस र इन्जिनियरिङको
छात्रवृत्तिमा नाम निकाल्न सफल भएका छन् ।
अहिलेसम्म प्लस टु, बिए,
बिबिए, बिबिएस र एमएमा विद्यार्थीले प्राप्त गरेको उत्कृष्ट नतिजा र
विद्यार्थ्र्ले पाएको अवसरलाई मूल्यांकन गर्दा यो कलेज 'अकबरी सुन' सावित
भएको छ ।
विज्ञान, व्यवस्थापन र मानविकीमा कक्षा ११ मा ४७०
विद्यार्थी भर्ना लिने उक्त कलेजमा कक्षा ११ र १२ मा विज्ञानको मासिक
शुल्क २ हजार, व्यवस्थापनको १ हजार २ सय र मानविकीको १ हजार छ र
विज्ञानतर्फकक्षा ११ को भर्ना शुल्क १९ हजार छ भने व्यस्थापन र मानविकीमा
१२ हजार छ ।
From : Samay Saptahik