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Posted on 02-19-08 5:33
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Hi friends, will you please share ideas, how can I download only Audio from YouTube video? Thanks in advance... as u guys r very kind, this one is for all of you........salai jo bhaka from western Nepal.
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Posted on 02-19-08 6:02
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Amazing. To download you need to install download helper. 1. Download "download helper" . Remember the internet window must be mozilla firefox. . (just search download helper in google and install) 2. Once you have installed "download Helper". Open the desired website (youtube or imeem). As soon as you open the window from firefox you will see an icon of download helper blinking on right alongside with the Address bar on top suggesting there are down loadable audio/video in the page.. 3. Click and download . Remember it downloads in FLV (Flash format). So you need to covert that to mp3. 4. Now go to the website http://www.flv2mp3.com/ and convert desired flash file to mp3. It is relatively easy once you have firefox and installed download helper because you dont have to install every time for every song.
Last edited: 19-Feb-08 06:02 AM
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Posted on 02-19-08 6:24
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AMazing Bro, get this. http://www.download.com/Audio-Recorder-for-Free/3000-2168_4-10427509.html?tag=lst-1 Make sure when you are recornding the wave output is selected. Here is the step to give you clearer piture. Double click the volume control--> Option--> Properties ---> Select recording and wave out mix ---> Proceed to record the audio. Hope it helps.
Last edited: 19-Feb-08 06:24 AM
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Posted on 02-19-08 8:48
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Amazing Bro, You can either download the audio or video form youtube by the way that no_quiero and i_nepali have listed or by direct way. I used to download the same way as i_nepali has mentioned until i found other easy way to download the song. Ok so you go to youtube and search for a song. Grab the URl of the song that you would like to download. Go to the URL http://www.videodownloadx.com/ Click on Convert Video link Paste the URL of the youtube video that you would like to download. Select the output Format. Enter the email adress and Submit. After few min, you will get an email with the download link from which you can download. hope this helps. Thanks
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Posted on 02-19-08 11:19
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Please log in to subscribe to Amazing's postings.
Posted on 02-19-08 4:35
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Thanks a lot friends and Im really thankful to all of you for kind information.... Thanks No Quiero bro, Nepali bro thanks for the mail and your kind words in 1974 ad thread as well, Eclipse bro thanks and lanthus bro final thanks to you